Colliers International, SkyREM’s exclusive agent for office/flex space at its Quartermaster property, recently announced that Premier Physical Therapy will join the community at the Q.
The Quartermaster, one of seven SkyREM properties in the mid-Atlantic region, offers one million square feet of mixed-use space in six buildings across its 24-acre campus at 2800 S. 20th Street in the Girard Estate area of South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
As the latest tenant to be welcomed at the Q, Premier Physical Therapy will be relocating from Moyamensing Avenue to occupy 8,661 square feet in Building 12. The regional physical therapy practice focuses on providing high-quality diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitation services for musculoskeletal and neurological conditions.
Carl Contino of Premier explained some of the advantages of the move: “The convenient South Philadelphia location, availability of parking, and unique architectural features all attracted us to the Quartermaster and will make it a great home to host our patients. We look forward to being an active member of the community at the Q.”
This new lease marks an exciting moment for the Quartermaster as the property begins to reap the benefits of SkyREM’s visionary redevelopment plan.
Originally known as the Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot, the complex was constructed in 1918 as an extension of the 19th-century Schuylkill Arsenal to produce uniforms and gear in support of American mobilization efforts for World War I. At one point, it was hailed as “the largest purchaser of textiles and textile products in the world” and called a “little Pentagon.” At the top of its capacity, the Quartermaster campus employed around 15,000 residents of Philadelphia and had its own rail, police, and fire services.
In 2010, the Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot earned a spot on the National Register of Historic Places. At the heart of this historically significant campus, Art Deco buildings are arranged around a central Ballinger-designed clocktower. Other tenants of the Q include the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Delaware Valley Intelligence Center (DVIC) and the Department of Labor’s Regional Job Corps Training Center.
Today, SkyREM is thrilled to continue developing this storied property by celebrating its founding communal spirit of productivity as it transforms into a vibrant and distinctive destination for generations into the future.
About SkyREM
SkyREM, with offices in Philadelphia and in New York City, is a privately funded and managed real estate company which owns and operates a large, diversified portfolio of properties in the United States. As a principal for its own account, Sky is actively investing in commercial real estate throughout the United States. To learn more and speak to the acquisitions team please contact Marc Civitillo at 212-888-6920 or visit our contact page.